Saturday, March 28, 2009

Look, ma! I'm blogging!

Upon having the importance of blogging brought to my attention yet again, I have decided to begin my own blog. Yes, I know that I already blog for our PRSSA chapter, but I do not feel that is enough.

Why “hot minute?” I made a list of things I like and a list of phrases I use. If I am running late to meet up with my friends, I tell them, “I’ll be there in a hot minute.” They seem to find this phrase both humorous and unique. I hope to bring these qualities to my blog, among other things. Also, my goal is to make each entry readable in under a minute.

I will probably most often blog about my favorite things: the environment, fashion, food, and public relations. Hopefully, my readers will find at least one of these things entertaining. If not, come back soon and maybe I’ll have broadened my horizons…