Thursday, July 30, 2009

Write and wrong

So, this is what I'm thinking. Although my topics of conversation are often very random, so are my blog posts. I'm either voicing my opinion (environmentally "sound") or having my Cosmo "B*itch it out" moment. So, although my knowledge of pop-culture and news is broad, I need to think of ways to specify what I talk about.
I kind of liked my environmentally sound blog because going green is something I feel passionate about. But, I need to skip over posts like the PRSSA VP thing because I felt it came off too valedictorian-esque. I think it is easier to talk about things in a timely manner. If I had posted blogs about PRSSA throughout the year, there would have been many posts of how I feel a student run should (and should NOT) address projects and problems.
Yes, I started this blog to keep my writing fresh and maybe get out any bad energy I have toward something that's hot in the world. But if I'm going to have any readers (I know that I at least have Carri), I should try to make it a good time for them.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Wow! It has been quite a while since my last post! I'm sure my loyal followers have wondered about where I have been over the past couple of months. Here is my tale. It all began with the craziness that is called final examination week at NIU. After which, I was a tad busy with graduation and being whisked away to Europe for a while. When I returned from Italy and France, I discovered that the "B" and "N" keys on my laptop were no longer working. What luck! Since then, I have been borrowing my roommates' computers to try and keep up with my internet accounts. And can I just say... it's awful! I am just glad I've had this experience to remind myself how lucky I have been to have my own computer over the past 6 years. (Yes, she was an oldie but a goodie!)