Friday, December 11, 2009

A different kind of Hot Have...

While reading over non-profit blogs for my Literacy Chicago (@LiteracyChicago) Internship, I stumbled upon a very worthy list of “Hot Haves.” The list was that of non-profit donations, gifts, etc that would work perfectly for loved ones who “don’t want anything” for the holidays, all the while going toward the cause.

I asked my parents to get me the Susan G. Komen New Balance Heart Rate Monitor Watch, not only because I need one, but because 25% of the profits go toward the foundation. I also picked up some items for family members, but since a few of them read this post, you are just going to have to wait to hear what they are… and they’re really good.

So, there you go, a list of 11 very broad suggestions to go toward your holiday shopping that I found worthy of mentioning. Next week, I will try to make a quality list of Hot Have Christmas items. Also, if you would like me to assist in finding a deal on something your loved ones want, be free to comment or directly email me: I always love the hunt of a good find!

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Wish adding "5k runner" would boost my resume...

Well, didn't make a hot list this past week, so I guess I'll be cranking out a good one for Sunday.

Anywho, let's get down to business. Today, I accomplished something, and I'm damn proud of myself.

A few weeks ago at yoga I heard about the Snowflake Shuffle which raised money for TriCity Family Services. I hopped online Sunday night and registered to run the said 5k. I'd been running for a while and thought I could handle it. You have to understand, I have not been running long. I usually pop out about 2 miles... but I just wasn't sure if I could do it.

I woke up at 7am (5k was at 9) to stretch and whatnot and got very nervous. What if I don't run as fast as the others? What if I have to stop and walk? I've always been very competitive, and not with others, but with myself and my abilities. I didn't want to let myself down.

I got to the Shuffle at about 8:45 and was incredibly intimidated by the other runners. Many of them had Chicago Marathon jackets on (You get a jacket??) and generally appeared to be VERY hardcore.

When the gun went off at 9am, I started off well and set my pace. It was fantastic! All of my worry melted off and I thought about taking the race one step at a time. There were times when I felt like I couldn't run, but I pumped my arms and made it through those weak points. I finished the 5k in 33:53 - not the best time ever, but definitely okay for a first time 5k-er! But better yet, I proved to myself that I can do anything I set my mind too. This has indeed been a very empowering year.

My next goal? I'd like to do a 10k within the next 6 months... I'll let you know how that's going ;)