Sunday, February 7, 2010

No excuses.

Cheese and rice... it's been a while since I last posted. And honestly, I don't even want to try and make excuses. I'm a big girl and understand that having a blog is a commitment. Unfortunately, it has been very low on my totem pole of commitments. I turned looking for a full-time job (or internship) into my top priority. So between that, the holidays and my new workout commitment - I just haven't had the time.

So what's new with you guys? Have any new year resolutions that you've stuck to or have been slacking on? I usually don't make resolutions, but I guess this year was different. I've made it a resolution to become a healthier person. So really, it's more of a lifestyle change. And let me tell you, even though it's been a month, I can definitely feel a difference. I have been making more organic choices, have given up fast food (for 99% of the time) and have been going to the gym 6 days a week. Because of this, I have 10x the energy that I used to have.

The best part of my "resolution" is that I've accepted the fact that if I mess up, I don't have to wait until December 31, 2010 to start over - tomorrow is a new day.

Also, today was the first day of my half-marathon training. I believe I had once mentioned that I would like to run the Chicago Marathon. Well, I plan on running a half-marathon in the near future, just to see where I'm at. Baby steps.

I'm going to work on my other blog ( but I promise I will be writing again soon. Love, V