Wednesday, January 9, 2013

What is YOUR goal for 2013?

I hate new year resolutions*. I think I associate resolutions with doing something well for a year, then giving up. Last year, I resolved to just better myself. I didn’t have one particular goal in mind, but for whatever reason, I felt I should have a resolution. It turns out that by bettering myself, I meant not letting the 40 lbs that I’ve lost since college creep back and just being a little more patient. This year, I’m going to take that a step further and try to lose another 10-20 lbs. I’m also going to focus on my brain. Which, when typed out like that, sounds kind of silly. What I mean is, my sister and I are going to read a book per week this year. I’ve already read a book and am on my second, plus I’ve been trying to ween myself off of TV (except The Real Housewives of Anything because I love that show and no, I won’t let you take that from me).

The idea is her brainchild; I can’t think of a time when I’ve talked to her and she hasn’t been reading a book. She’s always been like that though. I mean, she read all of The Babysitter’s Club books: sometimes finishing one in just a day! I thought that was a really big deal at the time.

Anyway... those are my goals for the year: get a bit more fit and read a book/week. I guess I’m all about resolutions, if a person is willing to stick with their goals and advance said goals into the coming years. Yes, quitting smoking is a fantastic goal, but isn’t it somewhat meaningless if you’re just going to light up on January 1, 2014?

*For the record, I also dislike resolution "THIS IS MY YEAR" posts, but I'm hoping it will force me to keep up with writing and with my goals.